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Powering Ahead: Renewable Energy Workshops


There is a significant skills shortage faced by the energy industry in the East of England and STEMPOINT believes that the best way to address this is by engaging with the future workforce.

Thanks to funding from Freeport East and Scottish Power Renewables, we are delivering workshops for primary and secondary aged-children in parts of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex.

These workshops will enhance pupils' learning about renewable energy, highlight the vast array of job prospects in the sector and pupils can meet people who work in the industry to further inspire them.

Pupils even get the chance to make and test their own wind turbine which brings their learning to life.

To register your interest in a Renewable Energy Workshop, please get in touch.



STEMPOINT workshops are designed to inspire and engage children of all ages

Renewable Energy and Sustainability are hot topics at the moment for very good reason. As a charity, we are determined to showcase the industry to as many young people as possible, so more people appreciate the importance of roles within the sector and know more about how many exciting job opportunities it boasts. 


STEAM Expo 2025

This March, over 670 Year 6 pupils attended a STEAM Expo at the University of Essex. 

It was a fantastic event where pupils and teachers spent time learning about different STEAM industries, with a heavy focus on Sustainability and Renewable Energy.

STEMPOINT delivered 8 workshops throughout the day for different groups of pupils giving them an insight into renewable energy and showcasing some of the fascinating jobs available within the sector. Pupils also got to make and then test their own wind turbine.

Feedback from both the children and their teachers was fantastic.

Thank you to our Funders

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Freeport East awarded us a grant to run the Renewable Energy Workshop in areas of high-deprivation in Suffolk and Essex. They operate in and around Felixstowe and Harwich and are dedicated to improving job prospects where they operate.

We are extremely grateful for their support.

Their Managing Director said "We want to keep the workforce local and believe it is our responsibility to support the next generation to develop the skills they will need to work in this industry." 



Scottish Power Renewables have generously sponsored the workshops taking place in Norfolk and Suffolk, around they operate along the coastline.

We are extremely grateful for their support.

Their Managing Director said "We are delighted to support this vital project as we see first hand the impact engaging with the local community at a young age has on the workforce coming through. We rely on young talent and passion to remain at the the forefront of renewable energy in the UK and beyond."

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STEMPOINT Trustees are passionate about encouraging and enabling young people to learn more about sustainable practices in STEM. 

In line with this, they were delighted to fund the first workshop from the charity's reserves to help the initiative to successfully get off the ground and demonstrate their support the sustainability. 

Stempoint volunteers
Sponsorship Opportunities

Take a look at the many opportunities available which you could sponsor our projects.


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Join 2000 STEM Ambassadors

With 2,000 Ambassadors, why not encourage your team to become a STEM Ambassador and help inspire young people about STEM careers.

Research & Experience Placements

Are you a company that could provide a Research Placement for a 17 year old student, to supervise a student during the summer?

How to book?

How to book?

Our primary school workshops are currently only available in Hertfordshire and Luton.

However, all schools in the region can request a STEM Ambassador free of charge.

We provide hands-on, fun, educational, interactive workshops ‘not for profit’

£265 for morning session/s

£390 for a full day.

Our workshops may not cover all of the National Curriculum links in great depth as we are restricted by time, however you have the opportunity to cover them in more detail with the follow up activities you will be receiving from us once your workshop has taken place.

Contact Helen for more details.


Future Workshops

There are numerous other Renewable Energy Workshops planned for 2025. Some are being hosted by a Secondary school and other school pupils are attending a workshop being held there, others are taking place in individual schools.

Depending on your school's location and thanks to our funders, some Workshops are fully funded and free of charge for pupils to take part. Other workshops can be offered on a not-for-profit basis.


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Contact for Primary Schools

Looking for details on virtual,  face to face assemblies, workshops or any other information, please contact Helen Bailey 

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